Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Who's Your Daddy on Innugural Day?

Trump bit too much off than he can actually chew, if ppl thought Bernie Sanders supporters were mad at him for backing down, hmm! wait till Trump really start doing the opposite the racist and sexist will be disappointed and go after him because they took his campaign rants to heart, to them he spoke out loud publicly what they feel and think but couldn't do it publicly until now.

 Highlights from recent interview with a loosing News paper according to Trump NYT

 President-elect Donald J. Trump on Tuesday tempered some of his most extreme campaign promises, dropping his vow to jail Hillary Clinton, expressing doubt about the value of torturing terrorism suspects and pledging to have an open mind about climate change.
In the midday meeting in the 16th-floor boardroom of The Times’s publisher, Arthur Sulzberger Jr., Mr. Trump seemed confident even as he said he was awed by his new job. “It is a very overwhelming job, but I’m not overwhelmed by it,” he said.
He displayed a jumble of impulses, many of them conflicting. He was magnanimous toward Mrs. Clinton, but boastful about his victory. He was open-minded about some of his positions, uncompromising about others.
The interview demonstrated the volatility in Mr. Trump’s positions.
He said he had no interest in pressing for Mrs. Clinton’s prosecution over her use of a private email server or for financial acts committed by the Clinton Foundation. “I don’t want to hurt the Clintons, I really don’t,” he said.

 How will those that had no true knowledge of history and politics react when their newly found GOD shows that he has a heart of tenderness. Remember bullies need other bullies in order to flourished and from the looks of things Trump is surrounding him self with people that never agreed or supported him from the start of his rants doing the campaign and I must say he's a smart guy and master of manipulation.. share and subscribed please and thank you.

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